This is where I am on the big map of Paraguay, a final family photo (mom and host sister from another family included), a Paraguayan television interview, myself, Mary and Liz after the swearing in ceremony, and Mary and I as happy city people for a brief moment....
Carrie, Good Luck in San Juan Nepomuceno. My brother-in-law Crispin Ramirez lives there and is a school teacher somewhere nearby. When I'm in Paraguay, I trust him completely to help make sure nobody is taking advantage of me. If you want his contact information, just let me know.
Everything I say here is mine and mine only and has nothing to do with Peace Corps Paraguay or Peace Corps anywhere. They asked us to make this statement on anything we post online, so there it is. I take full responsibility for everything I say here and everything I say in real life too because I'm a responsible adult, and that's what responsible adults do.
Carrie, Good Luck in San Juan Nepomuceno. My brother-in-law Crispin Ramirez lives there and is a school teacher somewhere nearby. When I'm in Paraguay, I trust him completely to help make sure nobody is taking advantage of me. If you want his contact information, just let me know.